Can Women’s Health Physiotherapy Help in Pelvic Floor Muscle Restoration?
Many women suffer from pelvic pain or constipation. Whereas there is never a specific treatment, there is evidence that physiotherapy is the key to these issues. It can cure the symptoms and help them recover their good health. Pelvic Floor physiotherapy can help to reduce pelvic pain and over well being of women.
Unfortunately, many women don’t know that there is a solution. Physiotherapy for women’s health is the best way to get your health in order.
What is women’s health physiotherapy?
Among the many questions women have is whether women’s health physiotherapy works and what it is. So what is women’s health physiotherapy? It is just like any other physiotherapy, only aimed at helping women with incontinence to prolapse pelvic pain.
But one must be very careful when taking part in this process. You need an
expert women’s health physiotherapist to lead you in the right direction. As much as it seems easy, there are things you may now know how to do well.
Which conditions can women’s health physiotherapy help in? In this case, we shall focus on one major issue.
The pelvic floor
The pelvic floor is one of the most complex structures in a woman’s body. It is a made up of muscles that hold pelvic organs in place. It also forms the birth canal, and urine and stool passage.
The muscle in the pelvic floor lifts the hammock and supports other pelvic organs above it. The muscles must contract to keep a woman continent. At the same time, they need to relax during urination, bowel movement, sexual intercourse, and sexual intercourse.
If these muscles get too weak or tight, women start experiencing issues in the
pelvic floor. These two situations are referred to as hypotonic (too weak) and hypertonic (too rigid). Sometimes the muscles may be weak in one area and strong in another.
Hypotonic pelvic floor muscles
The hammock becomes less useful if these muscles are hypotonic. The result is incontinence in urinary and bowel functions. It can also cause pelvic organ prolapse.
A good structure exercise program can reverse the symptoms. The process may include pelvic floor retraining, muscle simulators to improve your contractions in the pelvic muscles, and assessment and treatment.
Hypotonic pelvic floor muscles can cause urinary frequency, urgency, hesitancy, or incomplete emptying. It can also cause some pain during other activities like bowel movement and sexual intercourse, unexplained lower back pain.
Hypertonic pelvic
Hypertonic muscles can also be associated with interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, and pudendal nerve nostalgia. There could be other causes for these conditions, but hypertonicity is a more significant reason. It comes after a trauma in the pelvic organs, like childbirth, among other reasons.
It is crucial to find a solution for such issues, and a therapeutic approach might be the best solution. It may include:
● Relaxing the muscles with internal manual therapy, like trigger point release.
● Neural mobilization
● Toileting and positional modification advice
● Use of vaginal dilators.
Some of these techniques are easier and available on many women’s health physiotherapy pdf documents. You can use them for lighter cases. But in very painful situations, you will need an expert. A simple search for women’s physiotherapists near me, and you are good to go.
What can I expect at my first Physiotherapy appointment at Dr Sahil’s Advanced Physiotherapy Clinic?
Your present condition will guide the assessment and the treatment. At first will start with your detailed assessment, by taking your history. We do understand that it involv
es sensitive issues which are difficult to discuss, but understanding in depth regarding your symptoms and how your daily life is affected would guide us in treating effectively.
Your Physical assessment will involve examination of
1. Abdominal muscle
2. Pelvic floor muscle
3. Lumbar spine
Once a thorough examination is done by our Female Physiotherapist then a base line of pelvic floor muscle control is been established after that a tailored individualized exercise programme is designed . This treatment protocols will be discussed with you and then we will proceed.
NOTE: Only Qualified Female Physiotherapist will be handling these cases